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From Fitbits, and Apple watches, to Owlets and Sensorbands, Mobile Health or mHealth has been a cost-effective, patient-friendly approach to health care management.  Whether it's giving the patient peace of mind as they track their vitals or alerting them of any irregularities, mHealth solutions empower the patient to effectively manage their health. 

But what exactly is mHealth and why are we hearing so much about it? While there's no standard definition, mHealth, or mobile health generally refers to the use of mobile technologies to capture and exchange medical information. This includes mobile apps for health condition management and for wellness management. These apps are often paired with wearable devices that can track, monitor, and record vital information.

Mobile Health is of value to both the health care providers and the patient. We have seen a significant increase in mHealth innovations. In fact, a global market insights report says this market is estimated to grow from $56 billion in 2020 to $805 billion by 2030. There are many factors influencing the growth of the mHealth industry. We discuss 5 key trends below.

1. Covid-19 Pandemic and the Rise of Wearables

The COVID-19 pandemic placed a strain on our health care system. In a previous post, we scratched the surface on the discussion of how COVID-19 has accelerated digitalization in the health care industry. The pandemic has proven to be a catalyst for innovation. One example outlined in The Journal of mHealth is that of CovidDeep, developed by NeuTigers. This particular wearable mHealth solution, according to a clinical study at San Matteo hospital, predicts SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 almost twice as accurately as temperature and other visual symptom checks.

“Advances in machine learning and the proliferation of medical-grade sensors in everyday consumer wearables has led to a new era in which we can predict and identify the onset of a myriad of diseases. Before the pandemic, our teams were using predictive models in our StarDeep health platform to monitor and screen for diabetes and mental health conditions." - Adel Laoui, CEO and founder of NeuTigers

The pandemic helped launch this particular innovation, and it also influenced the adoption of mHealth solutions. During this time, there was limited access to external resources such as fitness centers, and in-person health care appointments. People were encouraged to take symptom tracking and health management into their own hands. As a result, the mHealth market grew by 14.3% during 2020.

2. Increased Smartphone Adoption

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) states that 95% of the world's population now has access to a mobile broadband network. Pew Research shows approximately 85% of American adults have a smartphone. 90% of physicians already use smartphones at work, and most people have used their devices to gather health information. Simply put, we've become more connected. As a significant portion of the population owns and engages with smartphones, this makes mHealth a very viable market for investment. More investment leads to more innovation and adoption in the mHealth industry.

3. Accessibility and Remote Monitoring

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there was a 154% increase in telehealth visits during the last week of March 2020, compared with the same period in 2019. According to the American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC), even though the use of telemedicine lessened slightly near the end of 2020, its utilization was still significantly higher than 2018 and 2019 levels; indicating telemedicine will continue to play a key role in health care delivery.

While face-to-face visits can't be replaced entirely, the emergence of telehealth and virtual care allows physicians to prioritize patient visits. It also allows physicians to reach and provide care for patients in more rural and remote areas where health care may not be as easily accessible. Mobile Health has the potential to enable, support, and enhance virtual care. With remote monitoring, patients and physicians alike would be able to access real-time data and analytics around an individual’s health and make stronger, more data-driven decisions.


With the rise of mobile technologies, we have access to a wealth of information at our fingertips. Mobile Health is empowering the consumer to take charge of their health and supporting a potential shift from reactive care to preventative care. With regular monitoring of ongoing vitals, appropriate early intervention can be applied to reduce the risk of worsening a health condition, such as concussions.

Mobile health apps also provide an avenue for gamified therapies to be delivered to patients. talks about how gamification can help incentivize users to engage with mHealth apps. Clear goals and targets, visual progress, and positive reinforcement all play a role in motivating patients to use the app. The more the patient engages with the app, the more data is collected. In turn, more data-driven personalized treatment plans can be established. This also leads to a potential for improved patient compliance.


We have seen an increased focus on understanding and fostering mental health and well-being. With our ongoing advancements in the field, and the increased interconnectivity and spread of information, the general public is now more aware of mental health conditions than ever before. There are a significant amount of mHealth apps targeting mental health and well-being. Check out our blog post The Top Six Apps for Better Mental Health for some suggestions. 

An interesting case study is that of Jane McGonigal and the app "SuperBetter" that she designed to help people recover from depression. She had suffered from depression herself as a result of concussion and designed an app that has helped motivate people with depression, anxiety, weight loss, and more.

In an increasingly mobile world, there are many factors that influence mHealth tech innovation and adoption. Mobile Health has the potential to provide digital therapeutics, enhance virtual care, improve mental health, and empower patients to be proactive in managing their health. We’ve seen the boom in this market over the past few years and it is only expected to grow from here. Each one of these trends can be discussed in further detail. Thanks to the value-add of mobile health solutions, we know that there are more benefits and trends to consider. We encourage you to share your thoughts and insights with us.


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